Big Horn County Wyoming
Library System
Biblioteca del condado de Big Horn
Miembros de la Junta
Nikole Greene - Board Chair
2nd Term - (3 Year Term)
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027
Barbara Fiedler
1st Term (3 Year Term)
May 12, 2022 - June 30, 2025
Lea Sorenson - Secretary
1st Term - (3 Year Term)
May 12, 2022 - June 30, 2025
John Bernt
1st Term - (3 Year Term)
June 30, 2024 - June 30, 2027
Ted Menke
2nd Term - (3 Year Term)
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025
Reuniones de la Junta de la Biblioteca ~ 2020-2021
Las reuniones se llevan a cabo el segundo jueves de cada mes.
Date Location Time
December 11, 2024 Lovell Library 1:00 pm
January 8 - Cancelled -
February 12 - Basin Library 1:00 pm March 12 - Greybull Library TBA
April 9 - Lovell Library 1:00 pm May 14 - Basin Library 1:00 pm June 11 - Greybull Library 1:00 pm July 9 - TBA -
August 14 - Deaver Library 3:30 pm
September 10 - Basin Library 1:00 pm
October 8 - Greybull Library 1:00 pm
November 12 -Lovell Library 1:00 pm
December 10 -Lovell Library 1:00 pm
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, Greybull Library
Called to order: Chair Nikole Greene @ 1:04 PM
Attendees: John Bernt, Tina Ely, Lea Sorenson, Ted Menke, Barbara Fiedler
Recognition of guests: None present
Amendments to agenda: None
Approval of Minutes from last meeting: All in favor
Financial Report: Discussed Petty Cash and donations, with understanding that each library has own accounting of this
Report was accepted
Director's Report: Continued work on Code of Conduct policy. Moved ahead with Wyoming Workforce, they will get 400 hours of work Monday and Wednesday 1pm-5pm in Greybull through the end of May
Statistics Report: Was accepted
Managers Reports: Reports accepted
Greybull: All is going well
Basin: 2nd Saturday in Basin is doing well
Lovell: Craig Johnson was there for Authors talk, was very well attended
Deaver/Frannie doing well
Each library is doing the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program
Old Business: Put Cellphone on silence sign to be put up in each library motion made, motion was accepted
New Business: Work session for Policy Manual was tabled until after the 1st of the year. Motino was made to Amend Policy Manual to add Treasurer position on a as needed basis. Motion was accepted
Remove Julie Brown and Gail from banks and add Troy Butler. Motion was made and accepted
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned @ 2:17 PM
Next Library Board Meeting Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at Lovell Wyoming
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
Wednesday, September 4, 2024, Greybull Library
Called to order: Chair Nikole Greene @ 1:02 PM
Attendees: John Bernt, Tina Ely, Lea Sorenson, Ted Menke, Barbara Fiedler, Nikole Greene
Recognition of guests: None present
Amendments to agenda: None
Approval of Minutes from last meeting: All in favor
Financial Report: Tabled until next meeting
Director's Report: Continued work on Code of Conduct policy, Moving ahead with Wyoming Workforce
Statistics Report: Tabled until next month
Managers' Report: All Libraries running smoothly and gearing up for Fall activities
Old Business: The board voted to give all employees 3 days PDO every year, after their 0-day probationary period- Lea, Barb, Nikole, and Ted all voted yes for this, John voted no
New Business: John made motion to elect a treasurer, Ted seconded it, all voted yes. Ted moved to make John treasurer, Barb seconded it, all voted yes
The board discussed having a work session in the near future, will decide a date at the next meeting
Executive Session: Motion made by John to go into executive session, Barb seconded it, all voted yes. Went into executive session at 2:10 PM - Out at 2:30 PM
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned @ 2:32 PM
Next Library Board Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at Greybull Wyoming
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Deaver Library
Called to order: Chair Julie Brown @ 3:28
Attendees: Julie Brown, Nikole Greene, John Bernt, Tina Ely, Troy Butler, Lea Sorenson,
Ted Menke (Via phone), Barb Fiedler (Via phone)
Amendments to agenda: No amendments
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Minutes from July 8th, 2024, were unanimously approved.
Elections: Nikole Greene was nominated as Chair, Lea Sorenson was nominated as secretary. The rest of the elections were tabled due to members needing to leave early.
Troy's Financial Report: unanimously accepted
Director's Report: Working on a Code of Conduct Policy.
Statistics Report: Circulation continues to rise.
Manager's Report:
a. Basin Library: Offered a movie and popcorn on the Saturday they are open.
b. Greybull Library: Lisa Kunkle held a photography exhibit and welcomed a new employee
c. Lovell Library: held it's final Teen Xtreme program and welcomed two new employees.
Old Business:
a. It was decided to go ahead and work with Wyoming Workforce.
New Business:
a. John Bernt made a motion to remove Gail Gillard and Julie Brown from the debit card account at Bank of Lovell and add Troy Butler to said account. Barb Fiedler seconded and the motion carried.
b. John Bernt made a motion to remove Julie Brown from the main account at Security State Bank in Basin. Barb Fiedler seconded and the motion carried.
c. PDO guidelines tabled until all members could be present.
Adjournment: Metting adjourned at 4:23
Next meeting will be held in Greybull, September 4th, 2024 at 1:00 P.M.
July Library Board Meeting was cancelled- No Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
June 13, 2024, Greybull, WY 2:00
Called to order: Chair Julie Brown @ 2:06
Attendees: Julie Brown, Barb Fiedler, Ted Menke, Nikole Greene, Tina Ely, Troy Butler
Amendments to agenda: No amendments
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Minutes were unavailable, tabled until next meeting
Troy's Financial Report: Barba Fiedler made a motion to accept the financial report, Ted Menke seconded. The report was unanimously accepted.
Director's Report: The grant for the Wyoming Arts Council was granted.
Statistics Report: Circulation continues to rise.
Manager's Report:
a. Basin Library kicked off the summer reading program with nearly 100 participants. The children incubated chicken eggs and watched the metamorphosis of Painted Lady Butterflies
b. Greybull Library held a stained-glass art project and story time activities
c. Lovell Library had 2, 036 patrons in the month of May. Smokey the Bear was the surprise guest at the summer reading program
Old Business:
a. Discussion was had to make a few small changes to the Policy Handbook
b. Wyom Workforce was tabled until the next meeting
New Business:
a. Ted Menke moved to add Tina Ely to main debit card account and remove Maxine Ruppert. Barb Fiedler seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. Barb Fiedler moved to add Tina Ely to the physical debit card. Ted Menke seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.
b. Lovell Library will put an ad out for an available position
Ted Menke made a motion to go into executive session at 2:51 to discuss personnel. Barb Fiedler seconded
Executive session ended at 3:24
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 3:25
Next meeting will be held in Greybull, July 10, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Library Board Minutes for 05/08/2024
Attendees: Troy Butler, Julie Brown, Ted Menke, Tina Ely, Barbara Fielder, Lea Sorenson
1. Meeting called to order at 12:58 pm
A. Recognition of Visitors, none present.
B. Amendments to Agenda, none needed
2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Troy made motion to accept/Barb 2nd
3. Troy's Financial Report
A. Meet with Commissioners on May 20th @ 1:30 pm
B. Bonus for employees @ end of year, discussion tabled until July
C. Ted made motion to accept financial report Barb 2nd
4. Director's Report
A. All libraries are prepared for summer reading programs
5. Old Business/No discussion needed
6. New Business/ None Currently
7. Move to Executive session @ 1:40 pm
8. Out of Executive session @ 2:20 pm
9. Meeting adjourned @ 2:21 pm
10. Next meeting in Greybull 6/13/2024
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
April 10, 2024 1:00 PM, Lovell, WY Library
Called to order: Chair Julie Brown @ 12:59
Attendees: Julie Brown, Barb Fiedler, Lea Sorenson, Ted Menke, Nikole Greene, Tina Ely, Troy Butler
Amendments to agenda: Approved
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Approved
Troy's Financial Report: Barb Fiedler made a motion to accept the financial report, Ted Menke seconded. The report was unanimously accepted.
Director's Report: The grant for the Wyoming Arts Council has been submitted.
Statistics Report:
Manager's Report:
a. Basin Library has been ordering new books and held a Riddle Board for young patrons
b. Greybull Library held fun activities and crafts for story time and the Book Club had a very good
discussion over "The Hope Chest"
c. Lovell Library held the monthly Book & Create activity with 45 patrons in attendance and the
Friends held a fundraiser with a raffle for three different Easter Baskets.
Old Business:
a. Advertising for the new Director will continue
New Business:
a. Policy handbook adjustments will be postponed until the hire of a new director.
b. Notary in Greybull will be tabled until next meeting.
c. Ted Menke made a motion to empower Tina Ely to hire a substitute for the Greybull Library; Lea
Sorenson seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
d. Wyoming Workforce Program will be tabled until the hire of a new director.
e. Meeting with the Foundation will be held April 18, 2024
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 1:45
Next meeting will be held in Basin on May 8th at 1:00 PM
Addendum to Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/18/2024
Meeting Date: 3/13/2024
Meeting Location: Greybull
Attendance: Julie Brown, Barb Fiedler, Nikole Greene, Ted Menke, Tina Ely
Purpose: The purpose of this Addendum is to update employee names on debit cards and bank accounts.
Update: Cynthia Garay, Julie Craft, Gail Gillard, Maxine Ruppert, are to be removed from Security State Bank debit cards and bank accounts. Evelyn Watkins, Troy Butler, and Ted Menke are to be added to Security State Bank debit cards and bank accounts
Nikole Greene
Regular Meeting Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees
March 13, 2024 1:00 PM, Greybull WY Library
Called to order: Chair Julie Brown @ 1:05
Attendees: Julie Brown, Barb Fiedler, Nikole Greene, Ted Menke, Tina Ely
Amendments to agenda: Approved
Approval of minutes from last meeting: Approved
Troy's Financial Report: Admin Expenses over budget due to OCLC expenses. An error in invoices occurred and two payments will be refunded.
Director's Report: Discussion was held with WEX about a new Wyoming Workforce Service Program. Libraries are beginning to prepare for summer reading program.
Manager's Report:
a. Basin Library has started a new Facebook page. The Home school event brought 73 children, and there were 40 attendees at the ice cream social.
b. Greybull Library held its book club and is getting geared up for summer reading program.
c. Lovell Library celebrated Chinese New Year
Old Business:
a. Small revision of Director's job description
New Business:
a. Personnel
Ted Menke moved to go into executive session at 2:06 Barb Fiedler seconded
b. Barb Fiedler made a motion to add Evelynn Watkins and Sandra Wyatt to Security State Bank debit cars and bank accounts. Ted Menke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 2:45
Next meeting will be held in Lovell on April 10th at 1:00 PM